How Can Farmers Protect Rabi Crop From Frost In Winter

How Can Farmers Protect Rabi Crop From Frost In Winter

Farmers have to face many problems during winter. One of the biggest problems is frost. Due to which there remains a risk of crop damage on a large scale. If there is a possibility of frost in this season, do light irrigation. Due to which the ground temperature increases by 0.5-2.02 degrees. Let us know what else the farmer brothers can do apart from this…

According to experts, the maximum loss due to frost occurs in the nursery, cover the plants with polythene. But keep the south-eastern part open so that the nursery gets morning and afternoon sunlight. Burn garbage at places in the north-east direction of the field between 10-12 o’clock at night. For a permanent solution, the effect of frost can be reduced by building a fence of wind-blocking trees in the north-west direction of the field. The effect of frost lasts for two weeks, if there is a possibility of cold wave or frost during this period, then repeat the application of sulfuric acid at an interval of 15 days, which protects the crop from frost and also increases the activity of iron element in the plants. Increases.

take care of these things

For recovery of crops which have been affected by frost, spray NPK 18:18:18, 19:19:19 and 20:20:20 by mixing them in water at the rate of 5 grams per liter. Farmer brothers, spray by mixing soluble sulfur 80 percent at the rate of 3 grams per liter and thiourea at the rate of 4-5 grams per liter or bentinite sulfur at the rate of 3 grams per liter. Spray sulfur dust at the rate of 8-10 kg per acre. Spray Muriate of Potash by mixing it in 150 liters of water at the rate of 150 grams per tank and 1.5 kg per acre. Sulfuric acid 15 ml Use per tank rate.

Also read- What are those crops which can be grown in winter and will soon start earning profits?

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